Rythu Vikasa Sets Up an E-Commerce Platform to Improve its Market Access with the Help of Bala Vikasa
To increase market linkages to farmers and promote the consumption of organic products, Bala Vikasa has supported Rythu Vikasa Organic Mart, an initiative of the Organic Farmers Cooperative in laun
Bala Vikasa Supports Organic Farmers in Organising Organic Mela
A three-day Organic Mela was organised by the Rythu Vikasa Sendriya Uthapatti and Uthapathula Cooperative Society supported by Bala Vikasa to provide direct market access to the farmers and help th

Organic Farmers Cooperative launches Rythu Vikasa Organic Mart with the support of Bala Vikasa in Warangal
In an effort to provide market access to organic farmers, Bala Vikasa is promoting the Rythu Vikasa Organic Mart - an initiative of an Organic Farmers Cooperative. Errabelli Dayakar Rao, Minister o
Bala Vikasa Marketing and Liasoning Support Helps Organic Farmers Sell Produce for 10-15% Higher Returns, 200 New Farmers Join Program
200 new small and marginal farmers in 3 villages adopted organic farming after Bala Vikasa conducted awareness and training sessions on the benefits of sustainable agriculture last October. These f

Organic Farmers increase profit by 25% through organic mela
Our organic farmers were delighted to have increased their profits by 25% at the organic mela organized to provide them with market linkages and sell farm-fresh produce to the consumers on June 1,

1500 Organic Farmers Gather For Monthly Meetings on Organic Farming Practices
As many as 1500 farmers of 88 groups gathered for monthly meetings to discuss various practices of organic farming and their savings and loans required.
During these monthly meetings that

200 New Farmers Adopt Organic Farming in 200 Acres, The Project Expanded to Three New Villages
Bala Vikasa inspired another 200 small and marginal farmers in adopting organic farming on 200 acres of land. This June, we expanded our Organic Farming to three more villages - Ponnala, Narmetta,

Meetings and Training Programs Held Creating Awareness On Organic Farming
As part of Bala Vikasa’s organic farming program activities, the team conducted seasonal training programs, leadership training programs and exposure visits to enable organic farmers in follo

Urine platforms and Azolla pits constructed to ease organic farming practices
In an attempt to support small and marginal farmers and encourage them in using organic fertilizers, Bala Vikasa constructed 190 urine plot farms in 27 villages of four districts. Through this, far

Street Play Performed In 15 Villages Promoting Organic Farming
To encourage farmers to take up organic farming and educate them on the best practices of organic farming, Bala Vikasa performed street play in 15 villages of four districts in Telangana. Creating

Farmers Improve Livelihood Opportunites Through Farm Pond Excavation Activities
Encouraging organic farmers to improve irrigational facilities to their farms, create additional sources of income and contribute to water conservation, Bala Vikasa inaugurated Farm Pond excavation