Capacity Building Program Held On ABCD Approach For NGOs Across The World In August

About 13 development professionals participated in a capacity building session held on ‘Asset Based Community Development Approach,’ from four states and two countries including Nepal and Sudan. The participants were introduced to the model village concept, effective mobilization, and use of individual and community assets and resources.
During the session, the participants were given extensive information on how communities can be involved in the planning, execution, and monitoring of the project, the best methods of community mobilization, community capacity building, project management methodologies, identifying the resources within the community, recognizing the capacities of the people and motivating them to steer their own destiny towards development and creating development models that ensure lasting results.
“The session made it easier for me to design development projects for model villages. It helped me understand the needs and requirements of the communities and how the communities can be equipped to help themselves. Bala Vikasa’s training programs have always helped me to better in the sector and this session was no less,” said Ram Sharan Gurung, United Vision, Nepal.