Spearheading inspiring initiatives with innovative approaches for maximum impact
Our motto and guiding principle - ‘Helping Communities Help Themselves,’ and ‘Building Communities Before Building Projects’ - coupled with our unique 360° Community-Driven Development (CDD) approach place communities, especially women, at the heart of all development activities. With time-tested methodologies such as Asset-Based Community Development and Result-Based Management, we have implemented innovative, meaningful, and result-driven projects that have consistently delivered impactful results, and won us awards such as the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs Award for the ‘Best Models for CSR’, and ET Now ‘Water Champion’ Award.
We inspire communities to harness the power of the 3H - Head, Heart, and Hands - for development. We change mindsets using Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Appreciative Inquiry, and Participatory Rural Appraisal tools. We help the poor overcome their fears, become confident, take more responsibility, appraise their assets, and map their strengths. We instill values of empathy, compassion, a sense of unity overcoming barriers across religion, gender, caste, class, and creed; inculcating respect for women as agents of change, and motivating greater ownership and leadership in the development process. We build their skills for personal development and professional growth. We motivate them to form committees that identify assets, map strengths, capabilities, and talents, and mobilize resources to build the requisite infrastructure as per the development plans.
Safe Water Program has helped 30,00,000+ people access round-the-clock, affordable safe water through different water infrastructure projects, like 1414 Community Water Purification Plants, 480+ Overhead Tanks, 6600+ Borewells, owned and managed by the communities, drastically impacting the social, economic, and general public health indicators of the communities.
Water Conservation Program has helped conserve over 7.5 TMC of water with the restoration of 750+ minor irrigation water tanks and 10+ urban water bodies, construction of 1400+ farm ponds and 32,000+ soak pits, all activities led primarily by farmers in an attempt to replenish rural freshwater sources to secure food security and livelihoods.
Women Integrated Development Program has mobilized, motivated, counseled, and convinced 2,30,000+ poor rural women to come out of their shells, recognize their potential, form Self Help Groups, pursue small savings, set up micro-enterprises and implement development activities in their villages, ultimately leading them and their families out of poverty and deprivation.
Widow Emancipation Program has helped 15,000+ widows battle suicidal depression caused by social discrimination and exploitation, reject superstitious customary practices, and overcome poverty, through a series of counseling sessions, awareness programs, skill training initiatives, and advocacy efforts uniting all sections of the society for the cause.
Sustainable Agriculture Program has helped 70,000+ farmers benefit from increased productivity, decreased input costs and enhanced incomes through practicing organic farming methods like silt application, azolla cultivation, etc., and use of eco-friendly organic inputs thereby securing the health of the consumers and preserving the environment.
Dairy Development Program has helped set up innovative community diary hostels in 8 villages with high-quality integrated services that provide best facilities to cattle, best tools of management to cattle owners and many other value additions, significantly improving the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers and contributing to health and sanitation in the communities.
Quality Education Program has equipped 540+ Government schools with modern infrastructure, perationalized Student-led Committees and Eco-Clubs, trained teachers and parents on school management, and incentivized schools for ensuring good hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation benefitting over 15,00,000+ Students.
Model Communities Program has enabled the transformation of 130 villages into Model Communities by forming, training and fully operationalizing village development committees looking after specific development areas like health, sanitation, education, food security, social justice, youth empowerment, eradication of social evils, etc.