40+ Development Professionals from RDT Interact with Model Communities
44 Village Development leaders from the Rayalaseema Development Trust in Anantapuram had an insightful Field Exposure Visit as part of their customised training program. The visit included trips to

Community Driven Sustainable Development Training Program held in Nepal
A four-day Overseas Training in Community Driven Sustainable Development was held at Dhulikhel, Nepal in partnership with Bench Mark Research and Training Associates and Join Hands Pvt LTD.

Training Programs Conducted for Development Professionals
Development Approaches and Social Entrepreneurship
Training programs were conducted for development professionals working with various NGOs and communities on Appre

Brisbane Institute of Strengths Based Practice and Bala Vikasa Organise Asia Pacific Conference on Building Hope
Academicians, social workers, development professionals, psychologists, students and professionals from across the world gathered at the ‘Building Positive Hope in a Post Pandemic World: An A

Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center Conducts Training Programs on Development Approaches and Trends
About 100 development professionals from across the world took part in various online and offline workshops organised on Community Driven Development (CDD), Results Based Management (RBM) and Asset

Bala Vikasa assists communities to become Artificial Intelligence(AI) Ready as part of AI For All Campaign in partnership with Intel
To create awareness of Artificial Intelligence(AI) among communities, Intel conducted awareness workshops in various government schools and among rural communities with the support of Bala Vikasa,

Bala Vikasa PDTC conducts virtual trainings on Communications for NGOs
To equip NGOs and development professionals in report writing and documenting case studies, Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center conducted virtual training programs on ‘Effective Re

Development Professionals Laud CSRB for Providing Valuable Training in the Art of Effective Proposal Writing at Capacity-Building Workshop
Bala Vikasa CSRB conducted a capacity-building workshop for 20 Development Professionals in Effective Proposal Writing, providing valuable knowledge and practical insights into the purpose, ca

Overwhelming Response to PDTC’s Web-Based Training Program on ‘Interpreting the Indian FCRA Amendment Act, 2020 for Nonprofits’
The PDTC has been quick to adapt to the new pandemic-induced challenges, going online with the popular training course on Sustainable Community-Driven Development, and introducing a new online trai

NGOs equipped to identify and seize CSR Opportunities through a series of virtual trainings
Over 180 development professionals from 168 organizations participated from across the country in a series of capacity-building sessions on ‘CSR Opportunities and Recent Development Trends in

NGOs trained in formulating Performance Management Systems
NGOs from over 5 states participated in a virtual capacity-building session on ‘Becoming the Best Place to Work with Epic Performance Management Systems,’ held in June. The session focu

Two-day virtual training held on Result Based Management for NGOs
The People’s Development Training Center - Bala Vikasa's Training Campus in Warangal, successfully hosted a two-day virtual workshop on Result Based Management to over 10 organizations fr

Development Professionals From Four Countries Participate In A Capacity Building Program On Community Driven Development
About 11 NGOs from Bangladesh, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and India participated in a ten-day Community Driven Development capacity-building course for impactful implementation of community-driven developm

Three-Day Exposure Visit Conducted For Development Professionals To Interact With Communities And Witness The Impact Of The Development Projects
Bala Vikasa People Development Center in October conducted an exposure visit to development professionals for the first time after the novel coronavirus outbreak. The visit was conducted to connect

Workshop Held On ‘Writing Winning Proposals,’ For Development Professionals
To enhance the skill of proposal writing among development professionals, People Development Training Center conducted a workshop on ‘Writing Winning Proposals,’ for development profess

Training Programs On Neuro-Linguistic Programming And Emotional Intelligence Held For NGOs
In an attempt to draw attention to holistic development professionals and their communities, People Development Training Center conducted training programs on Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emoti

Capacity Building Program Held On ABCD Approach For NGOs Across The World In August
About 13 development professionals participated in a capacity building session held on ‘Asset Based Community Development Approach,’ from four states and two countries including Nepal a

Development Professionals Trained In Development Rules To Follow For Sustainable Implementation of Development Projects
Sharing Bala Vikasa’s guiding development rules, People Development Center conducted a virtual capacity-building session on ‘10 Development Rules for Sustainable Development: The Bala V

Strategic Planning Workshop Conducted in Partnership with LEPRA Foundation
A three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) on Organizational Strategic Planning was conducted at the Bala Vikasa Center for Social and Responsible Business Campus. This customized training program was

Development Professionals from Across the Country Participate in CSR Training Program
75 development professionals from over 70 organisations across five states participated in a two-day training program on ‘Developing Strategies and Approaches to CSR Partnerships,’ orga

Training Programs Conducted on Development Approaches of Community Development
The 57th batch of the two-week training program on Community Driven Sustainable Development was conducted with international development students and professionals from across the world in July, th

Training Program on Rainwater Harvesting Conducted
A two-day interactive training program on the Systematic Approach for Rainwater Harvesting and the Assessment of Water Credits was conducted in partnership with GRIT-Management Solutions at the Bal

Reporting Writing Workshop Conducted for GMRV Foundation Members
A two-day workshop on Documentation and Report Writing for NGOs began at PDTC, Warangal. 11 participants from the GMR Varalakshmi Foundation and 2 participants from Gamana attended the workshop to