Orphan Solidarity Program

Orphan Solidarity

Channeling the Collective Compassion of Change-Makers

The Issue

A UNICEF report states there are 29.6 million orphaned and abandoned children in India. Orphans have been, by and large, excluded and left behind in the development process. Barely literate, they often drop out of school due to financial crisis and end up as child labor. Even if they are fortunate enough to get high school education, they get back out on the streets to fend for themselves at 18.ons

Our Unique Orphan Solidarity Program

Rural Poor Women, who were the beneficiaries of our Women Integrated Development Program, were inspired to pay it forward by caring and supporting the less privileged among their communities. The spirit of generosity, despite their own deprivation, was cultivated among them by teaching them about the transformative power in such acts of kindness, which led them to adopt 1600 orphans over the years.

Last year, over 150 orphans' education was supported by the women with a collective contribution of about 55 Lakhs. We are looking to enhance the number this year with your support.

The Orphan Solidarity Program was designed to support this mission by providing necessary support with the help of contributions from large-hearted individuals, corporates, foundations, etc.

40 years of sustainable Community Driven Development experience went into creating this unique program for Orphans and their welfare. The uniqueness of our program lies in the fact that:

  1. It is the only program that is significantly sponsored by rural poor women who earn daily wages from hard labour
  2. Orphans are no more Orphans – they are called “Vikasa Children” and the supporting women are called “Vikasa Mothers”
  3. Majority of Vikasa Children live in the same village with their extended families – not in hostels so that their family bonding is retained.
  4. Vikasa Mothers and our Women program coordinators are in constant touch with children and their host families to ensure all their needs are met
  5. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation is done to Unlock their true potential and to help them realize all their dreams

Through this program we are

On the Solidarity Day, it is touching to witness the poor Vikasa mothers forgo daily wages and donating savings to plan the event, invite guests, raise funds, make arrangements at the venue, pay from their pockets for their travel and food, and lovingly spend a day with these ‘adopted’ orphan children.Rural poor women have transformed from being humble beneficiaries to benevolent donors and diligent partners.

We and the Vikasa women are doing our best. Now, you have an opportunity to stand in solidarity with our Vikasa children. Here’s how:

The Orphan Solidarity Club

A group of highly compassionate and socially-responsible citizens who are making a change in the life of the orphan children. Our club members, with their kind contributions, are helping orphans access equitable opportunities for quality education, and giving them a chance at leading a better life.

You can become a member of the Orphan Solidarity Club by donating Rs 25,000. You could donate in multiples of Rs 25,000 if you wish to help more orphans.

A donation of Rs 25,000 aids an orphaned child to pursue higher education, partially covering the costs of tuition fees, books, clothing, hostel, food, commute, and more. These children may be living with extended families, or by themselves, or in shelters, but are enrolled in schools and colleges.

We evaluate each case and ensure that studious, meritorious, and hard-working children keen on higher education, with good grades, get selected for sponsorships.

We will send you updates on the progress made by the orphans every 4 months. We will also invite you to visit the orphans twice annually, including Solidarity Day when we celebrate their collective birthdays.

With your donation, you can help orphans get a fair chance at a decent life, and an opportunity to become compassionate model citizens. For, it’s the kindness they receive from donors like you that often inspires them to pay it forward.

Become a Member of Orphan Solidarity Club

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High-Impact Outcomes

  • In 2023-2024 on Solidarity Day, 20000 rural poor women, who are mostly daily-wage workers donated their 1-2 day's wages and raised a total fund of Rs 20, 56,649 for the orphans' care and education program.
  • Two sponsored orphan youth from Nagarkurnool, who finished their education, and have begun working jobs, inspired by their ‘adoptive’ mothers, raised Rs 20,000 for orphans studying in their alma mater.
  • In Bangarupalem, Chittoor district, rural school children, motivated by their women communities, donated their pocket money to arrange a water center in their village, where orphan children helped supply water every day and kept the place clean for 3 months during the summer month water donation drives.

  • “I lost my parents when I was in Class 5 and from then I’ve been struggling to provide for myself and my siblings. There are times when I lose hope about living a better life but then, I attend Bala Vikasa’s meetings. At these meetings, I was always encouraged to work for the life I want to live, no matter what. They don’t just support us academically and financially but also emotionally and give us all the love, care and affection we missed from our parents.”

    -Venkatesh, PG Student Mahabubabad

    Our Vikasa Children Now Paying it Forward as Youth Change Agents

    Moola Mahesh

    Ranjith Byru

    Shiva Ram

    Yerradoina Suresh

    Program Impact

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